What is the PostgreSQL equivalent to the TSQL "go" statement? What is the PostgreSQL equivalent to the TSQL "go" statement? postgresql postgresql

What is the PostgreSQL equivalent to the TSQL "go" statement?

From SQL Server documentation:

GO is not a Transact-SQL statement; it is a command recognized by the sqlcmd and osql utilities and SQL Server Management Studio Code editor.

The syntax permits to have a number, after the keyword go, to repeat previous lines a number of times. Syntax is:

GO [count]

It separates batch. There is not an equivalent for PostgreSQL. The semicolon ends a statement, not a batch. And it is not possible to specify a number of executions.

Go references: https://msdn.microsoft.com/it-it/library/ms188037.aspx

The PostgreSQL equivalent would be:


So the terminator is simply the SQL standard semi-colon ;.

It depends. GO is separator (delimiter) - it is special keyword that is not used in any SQL statement. PostgreSQL uses semicolon ; as separator. In console psql you can use \g

postgres=# select 10 as apostgres-# \g+----+| a  |+----+| 10 |+----+(1 row)

but it is not used often. Sometimes people uses \gset that execute SQL statement and store result to psql local variables. PostgreSQL can use semicolon, because PostgreSQL SQL statements has not to contain this symbol - It is different against T-SQL, because T-SQL allows some procedural constructs directly in SQL - and then T-SQL requires special separator. PostgreSQL doesn't allow it - procedural code is entered as string - and it is separated by apostrophes or custom string separators. So procedural conditional drop can looks like:

DO $$BEGIN  IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables                WHERE table_name = 'someTable') -- attention CASE SENSITIVITY  THEN    DROP TABLE "someTable"; -- attention CASE SENSITIVE syntax  END IF; END $$;

or more simply DROP TABLE IF EXISTS someTable (case insensitive syntax). I used custom string separator $$

DO $$ -- DO command with start of string (started by custom separator)...   -- some procedural code$$ ;  -- end string by custom separator and semicolon as end of DO command