2.0 version of System.Management.Automation? 2.0 version of System.Management.Automation? powershell powershell

2.0 version of System.Management.Automation?

The strong name version for both powershell v1 and powershell v2 is Surprising, yes, but this is a function of the backwards compatibility design. Both powershell v1 and v2 run on CLR2. Powershell v3 runs on CLR4, so they bumped the strong name version to for that one.

Just to confuse matters further, the windows folder name for all versions is v1.0 - again, for reasons of compatibility.

The only way you could actually be running the real powershell v1.0 is if you're on windows XP, vista or server 2003/2008. If you are running windows 7, 2008r2, you are on v2 at a minimum. If you are on 8 or 2012, you are on v3 of powershell at a minimum.

I hope this helps.