Automatically Removing a PowerShell Job when it has finished (asynchronously) Automatically Removing a PowerShell Job when it has finished (asynchronously) powershell powershell

Automatically Removing a PowerShell Job when it has finished (asynchronously)

I know this is a very old question... You can use Register-ObjectEvent to clean up after jobs. Jobs have a StateChanged event that has an EventSubscriber parameter passed to it containing details of the event and the source job.

Here's an example. Once the job completes the callback will remove both itself and the source job.

$job = Start-Job { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 }Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $job -EventName StateChanged -Action {    Unregister-Event $EventSubscriber.SourceIdentifier    Remove-Job $EventSubscriber.SourceIdentifier    Remove-Job -Id $EventSubscriber.SourceObject.Id} | Out-Null

So register a scheduledjob to run in 5 minutes that will remove the completed job. I am pretty sure that you can do something like:

Register-ScheduledJob -ScriptBlock {param($computername); Wait-Job -Name $ComputerName|remove-job} -Trigger @{Frequency="Once";At=(get-date).AddMinutes(5).ToString("h:MM tt")} -argumentlist $computername

Then just give your connection a name when you do your Start-Job by appending -Name $ComputerName to the end of the command. That way 5 minutes after you launch it a scheduled task kicks off that finds and clears out that job by name.