AWS Tools for Powershell Get-EC2Instance Filter AWS Tools for Powershell Get-EC2Instance Filter powershell powershell

AWS Tools for Powershell Get-EC2Instance Filter

Get-EC2Instance doesn't know about OS-level details like that, but you might be able to get what you want from Get-EC2ConsoleOutput. This will output the system log, and I believe that by default, Amazon-owned Windows AMIs RDPCERTIFICATE-SUBJECTNAME will usually match the windows hostname.

Give this a try, I just wrote it to print a collection of InstanceId, Windows Hostname pairs for this case of EC2 Instances based on Amazon-owned Windows AMIs:

# Note: This is designed to work with default Windows AMIs that Amazon supplies.function Get-EC2InstanceWindowsHostNames{     # Filter to use only windows instances  $instanceIds = (Get-EC2Instance -Filter @(@{name="platform";value="windows"})).Instances.InstanceId  $instanceIds | % {        $consoleOutput = Get-EC2ConsoleOutput -InstanceId $_    # Convert from Base 64 string    $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($consoleOutput.Output)    $string = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($bytes)    # If the string contains RDPCERTIFICATE-SUBJECTNAME, we can extract the hostname    if($string -match 'RDPCERTIFICATE-SUBJECTNAME: .*') {      $windowsHostName = $matches[0] -replace 'RDPCERTIFICATE-SUBJECTNAME: '      # Write resulting obj to stdout      [pscustomobject]@{InstanceID=$($consoleOutput.InstanceId);HostName=$($windowsHostName.Trim())}    }  }}

Example output

InstanceID          HostName----------          --------i-abcdefgh          EC2AMAZ-ABCDEi-12345678          WIN-1ABCD2EFG


From there, you can simply match the output of that cmdlet to filter for your hostname:

@(Get-EC2InstanceWindowsHostNames) | ? { $_.HostName -eq 'WIN-1ABCD2EFG' }

Example output

InstanceID HostName---------- --------i-12345678 WIN-1ABCD2EFG

Further Reading