Azure DevOps Powershell script Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel Azure DevOps Powershell script Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel powershell powershell

Azure DevOps Powershell script Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

There are few workarounds which are working.

  1. Workaround 1

    1. Use Azure Powershell Task Version 5
    2. Select "Azure Resource Manager Connection"
    3. Change ASM Module commands to Az commands
  2. Workaround 2

    1. Use Azure Powershell Task Version 3
    2. Classic Connection
    3. Downgrade Azure Powershell Version to 4.2.1
  3. Workaround 3 (for private agents)

    1. Create a self-signed cert in your CurrentUser\My store. you can find details on creating a self-signed cert here:
    2. Export the public key for the cert as a DER-encoded CER file (you can use mmc or any other cert tool for this)
    3. Upload the .Cer file as a management certificate through the portal:
    4. Authenticate using Set-AzureSubscription:
     PS C:\> Clear-AzureProfile PS C:\> $cert = Get-Item Cert:\CurrentUser\My\ PS C:\ > Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "" -SubscriptionId  -Certificate $cert PS C:\> Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId  
  4. Workaround 4

    1. Add below script to each Azure Powershell task

        $p = (Get-Variable Endpoint -ValueOnly).Auth.Parameters.certificate  $bytes = [convert]::FromBase64String($p)  [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("C:\cert.pfx",$bytes)  Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\cert.pfx -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\My  .  .  actual script  .  .  #remove certificate from store  $thumb = (Get-PfxData -FilePath "C:\cert.pfx").EndEntityCertificates.Thumbprint  Remove-Item -Path cert:\CurrentUser\My\$thumb -recurse -Force

We had the same issue. It only manifested on windows-2019 agents, not vs2017-win2016.So you could fix it by changing the agent type, but a better fix is to use a specific Powershell version of 5.1.1 instead of latest. It seems that latest recently increased to 5.3.0 which causes this error.

I have the same issue and tried all these, for me it worked only if I added this after the Initialize-Azure part: "Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId [my subscription id] -CurrentStorageAccountName [storage name]"