Background color and console text color Background color and console text color powershell powershell

Background color and console text color

You should be able to change the text color for specific syntax in the colors tab. In the properties tab when you right click on power shell. Go to colors tab and edit it according

I am posting this as a separate post since the only response I got was missing a few details to make it complete.

If you ever run across this error, then you indeed go to Properties > Colors and not only change the background color but change all the other colors presets to match. They are not there to offer you some presets to choose from, which I mistakenly believed - they are actual color definitions used by the console. When you are done, make sure that the selected colors for background, text etc have not shifted.

For example: PowerShell is dark blue. As such you cannot use colors that are similar and the bright regular blue I will change to light blue, which stands out easily. And voilá.