Can I write PowerShell binary cmdlet with .NET Core? Can I write PowerShell binary cmdlet with .NET Core? powershell powershell

Can I write PowerShell binary cmdlet with .NET Core?

This gets a lot easier with .NET Core 2.0 SDK and Visual Studio 2017 Update 15.3 (or higher). If you don't have VS, you can do this from the command line with the .NET Core 2.0 SDK.

The important bit is to add the PowerShellStandard.Library 3.0.0-preview-01 (or higher) NuGet package to your project file (.csproj).

Here is a simple command line example:

cd $homedotnet new classlib --name psmodulecd .\psmoduledotnet add package PowerShellStandard.Library --version 3.0.0-preview-01Remove-Item .\Class1.cs@'using System.Management.Automation;namespace PSCmdletExample{    [Cmdlet("Get", "Foo")]    public class GetFooCommand : PSCmdlet    {        [Parameter]        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;        protected override void EndProcessing()        {            this.WriteObject("Foo is " + this.Name);            base.EndProcessing();        }    }}'@ | Out-File GetFooCommand.cs -Encoding UTF8dotnet buildcd .\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\ipmo .\psmodule.dllget-foo

To get this same command to run in Windows PowerShell 5.1 requires a bit more work. You have to execute the following before the command will work:

Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.0.0\ref\netcoreapp2.0\netstandard.dll"

For netcore, there is a new template for powershell that you can install and use then you can modify the c# code.

  • Installing the PowerShell Standard Module Template
$ dotnet new -i Microsoft.PowerShell.Standard.Module.Template
  • Creating a New Module Project in a new folder
$ dotnet new psmodule
  • Building the Module
dotnet build

For more details read doc

You need to use PowerShell Core to write a PowerShell CmdLet in .NET Core.

There is a guide here, including corrections to your project.json:

To summarize you need the following in your project.json

    "dependencies": {        "Microsoft.PowerShell.5.ReferenceAssemblies": "1.0.0-*"    },    "frameworks": {        "netstandard1.3": {            "imports": [ "net40" ],            "dependencies": {                "Microsoft.NETCore": "5.0.1-*",                "Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compatibility": "1.0.1-*"            }        }    }