Can PowerShell trap errors in GetChildItem and continue looping? Can PowerShell trap errors in GetChildItem and continue looping? powershell powershell

Can PowerShell trap errors in GetChildItem and continue looping?

have you used silentlycontinue?

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $dirRoot -Recurse -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) {    ...}

How about Inquire?

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $dirRoot -Recurse -ErrorAction Inquire) {...}

Maybe open up a second PS window to troubleshoot the error then continue the command in the first PS window by selecting Y for continue.

You can also use ErrorVariable

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $dirRoot -Recurse -ErrorVariable a) {...}

Get-Variable a or $a will show you all the errors incurred by the command. You can also use +variablename (+a) to add errors to an existing variable.

foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $dirRoot -Recurse -ErrorVariable +a) {...}

I would use this to:

ForEach($file in Get-ChildItem $dirRoot -Recurse -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) {    ...}

And then, you can filter $Error to get specifically Permission Denied type errors:

$permError += $Error | Where-Object { $_.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'PermissionDenied' }ForEach($deniedAccess in $permError){    $deniedAccess.CategoryInfo.TargetName | Do Stuff}