Cannot Delete All Azure Website Connection Strings Cannot Delete All Azure Website Connection Strings powershell powershell

Cannot Delete All Azure Website Connection Strings

I know this is really late.

I have faced the same situation.We are able to update the App settings but not the connection strings.I found the solution.Since it doesn't have an answer, I thought it would be good to update it..

As per the git-hub source, the hash-table(nested) needs to be in the format of

@{ KeyName = @{ Type = "MySql"; Value = "MySql Connection string"}};

after which I ran the code to update the App, it worked. Below is the whole code

$list =  @{ ConnectionString1 = @{ Type = "MySql"; Value = "MySql Connection string"}};set-AzureRMWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroup" -Name "devTest" -ConnectionStrings $list -slot "production"