Can't change fontFace in Windows Terminal Can't change fontFace in Windows Terminal powershell powershell

Can't change fontFace in Windows Terminal

For people who are coming from SCOTT HANSELMAN article (especially from the third step)

  1. Install Cascadia Code for all users

enter image description here

  1. Change the "fontFace" property in the settings.json like this
    Shortcut to open settings.json: Ctrl+Shift+, (comma)

enter image description here

here is the code to copy

"profiles": {   "defaults": {      "fontFace": "Cascadia Code PL"      // Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles.    }}

This is the only way I made that work (after 2 hours or trying)

Change the fontFace from "Iosevka Nerd Font" to just "Iosevka"; the fontFace attribute expects a font family, as far as I'm aware this isn't in the documentation and I only found it out after reading this issue on the WT github

From a comment to the Issue I opened on Windows Terminal's GitHub page, (#6606), I was directed to another fontFace problem where choosing another font would not stick if you reopened WT, (not quite the problem I was having).

Anyway, the current solution to that is to uninstall any font you want to use, then right-click and choose "Install for all users". Double-click the file to open the sample view, and use the font name found just below the the two buttons. use the spaces in the font name as is in your settings.json file.

This worked for MesloLGL NF, but not Iosevka NF.