Connecting git to github on windows 7 without bash Connecting git to github on windows 7 without bash powershell powershell

Connecting git to github on windows 7 without bash

I had the same problem. I accidently added the wrong directory to the path.

After I changed that from *\Git\bin\ to *\Git\cmd\ everything worked.

git.cmd sets up the environment variables.

My solution to the

"Could not open a connection to your authentication agent."

error on Windows 7 was to first run ssh -v in the git Bash console to find out what sort of public key file Github was looking for. The filename I saw was id_rsa.

Then, I viewed the c:\users\username\.ssh folder in Windows Explorer and noticed that while there was no id_rsa file, there was github_rsa and

Copying these files in the c:\users\username\.ssh folder and renaming the copies to id_rsa and respectively solved the issue for me.

I was then able to push local commits to the repository on Github.

The command you're looking for is: ssh-add C:\path\to\key

First, you may want to find out where ssh is currently looking for your keys, by running ssh -v