Convert xargs Bash command to PowerShell? Convert xargs Bash command to PowerShell? powershell powershell

Convert xargs Bash command to PowerShell?

Your best bet is to pipe the output of ls to the foreach-object commandlet like this (% is an alias for foreach-object):

ls | %{rconvert $_ -resize 128x128}

Edit: ls outputs a list of FileInfo or DirectoryInfo objects onto the pipeline. To filter out the DirectoryInfo objects, use the where-object filter (? is alias):

ls | ?{-not $_.PSIsContainer} | %{rconvert $_ -resize 128x128}

If you need to access the full path name in your command, use the FullName property of the FileInfo object ($_ by itself will be resolved to $_.Name which is just the filename):

ls | ?{-not $_.PSIsContainer} | %{rconvert $_.FullName -resize 128x128}