Converting time 121.419419 to readable minutes/seconds Converting time 121.419419 to readable minutes/seconds powershell powershell

Converting time 121.419419 to readable minutes/seconds

PS> $ts = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 1234567PS> '{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}' -f $ts.Hours,$ts.Minutes,$ts.Seconds06:56:07


PS> "$ts" -replace '^\d+?\.'06:56:07

All you have to do is use the Measure-Command cmdlet to get the time:

PS > measure-command { sleep 5}Days              : 0Hours             : 0Minutes           : 0Seconds           : 5Milliseconds      : 13Ticks             : 50137481TotalDays         : 5.80294918981481E-05TotalHours        : 0.00139270780555556TotalMinutes      : 0.0835624683333333TotalSeconds      : 5.0137481TotalMilliseconds : 5013.7481

The above output itself might be good enough for you, or you can format it appropriately as the the output of Measure-Command is a TimeSpan object. Or you can use ToString:

PS > (measure-command { sleep 125}).tostring()00:02:05.0017446