Detect number of processes running with the same name Detect number of processes running with the same name powershell powershell

Detect number of processes running with the same name

function numInstances([string]$process){    @(get-process -ea silentlycontinue $process).count}

EDIT: added the silently continue and array cast to work with zero and one processes.

This works for me:

function numInstances([string]$process){    @(Get-Process $process -ErrorAction 0).Count}# 0numInstances notepad# 1Start-Process notepadnumInstances notepad# manyStart-Process notepadnumInstances notepad



Though it is simple there are two important points in this solution: 1) use -ErrorAction 0 (0 is the same as SilentlyContinue), so that it works well when there are no specified processes; 2) use the array operator @() so that it works when there is a single process instance.

Its much easier to use the built-in cmdlet group-object:

 get-process | Group-Object -Property ProcessName