Display all service names matching a string pattern Display all service names matching a string pattern powershell powershell

Display all service names matching a string pattern

You can use Get-Service instead of get-WMIObject and do it like this"

get-service sql* | select -expand name

The easiest way to achieve that is using -Filter Parameter

Get-WMIObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE '%SQL%'" | Select -ExpandProperty Name

In case, you want to go with your code only, here is the way you can modify it:

Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Select-String -pattern 'SQL'

Edit: LIKE operator takes a few meta characters to support matching pattern.

[] - for range matching. For example, Name LIKE '[a-f]%' will list all services starting with any letter from a to f.

^ - not. For example, Name LIKE '[^a-f]%' will list services that do not start with any letter from a to f.

_ - matches one letter. For example, Name LIKE 'S_L%' will list services that start with S and followed by any letter.

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "SQL"} |Select-Object Name