Download .vhd image from Azure to local machine, and upload to another Azure account Download .vhd image from Azure to local machine, and upload to another Azure account powershell powershell

Download .vhd image from Azure to local machine, and upload to another Azure account

From the Windows Azure Portal you can easily download the VHD. Just navigate to STORAGE and then the storage account in which your virtual disk is created. Select CONTAINERS (at the top), open the container named "vhds". Just click the vhd you want and select DOWNLOAD (at the bottom of the page).

I hope this helps.

The reason you're getting this error is because the blob is in a private blob container. You could do a few things:

  1. Either make the blob container publicly accessible.
  2. Or create a shared access signature with read permission and use that for downloading the blob.

If you wish to migrate blob to another storage account and you wish to use a tool, may I suggest you use Cloud Storage Studio ( Using this tool you can also download the VHD. Also do take a look at this blog post as well:

Hope this helps.

I've finally found out an open source explorer for Azure Storage. (despite Cloud Storage Studio is great, but it's commercial version.)

It can have multiple credentials and has several functions to manage files (copy, rename, delete, and download)

Once I download vhd on my local machine, I can upload it to another place by using

azure vm disk upload

on Azure powershell.