Encryption certificates must contain Data Encipherment or Key Encipherment Encryption certificates must contain Data Encipherment or Key Encipherment powershell powershell

Encryption certificates must contain Data Encipherment or Key Encipherment

You can use the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet to generate the self signed certificate as well. I wrote this module which will help generate a certificate as required by DSC https://github.com/nanalakshmanan/xDSCUtils

I found the blog post PowerShell V5 New Feature: Protect/Unprotect-CmsMessage by Keith Hill, which doesn't directly relate to this issue but it does show how to define a certificate request file that contains the Document Encryption key usage.

I now generate a self signed certificate using the following request inf:

[Version]Signature = "$Windows NT$"[Strings]szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE = ""szOID_DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION = ""[NewRequest]Subject = "CN=test.dsc"KeyLength = 2048MachineKeySet = trueRequestType = CertKeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGEKeyUsage = CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE[Extensions]%szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE% = "{text}%szOID_DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION%"