Get-Content -Raw parameter error Get-Content -Raw parameter error powershell powershell

Get-Content -Raw parameter error

The -Raw parameter of Get-Content was introduced in PS3.

To get file contents in one string there are several methods.

  • The fastest method that works in any PS version:
    $text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText('c:\path\file.ext')
  • The 2 times slower method for PS3+:
    $text = Get-Content 'c:\path\file.ext' -Raw
  • The 100 times slower PS2-compatible alternative:
    $text = Get-Content 'c:\path\file.ext' | Out-String
  • The 30 times slower PS2-compatible alternative:
    $text = Get-Content 'c:\path\file.ext' -ReadCount 1000 | Out-String

I've experienced this error in ps v 5 when the -path parameter wasn't actually a path.

Try adding Write-Host $_.fullname above the line throwing the error to make sure $_.fullname is actually what you think it is.

You're using PowerShell v2 or earlier. The parameter -Raw was introduced with PowerShell v3. Either upgrade PowerShell or pipe the output of Get-Content through Out-String:

$query = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName | Out-String

You should also be able to run the files directly with sqlcmd (i.e. without reading their content and passing that to the command):

$result = SQLCMD -S $FullDBServer -E -I -i $_.FullName -d $Database