How can I get list of open tabs in Firefox via a command-line application? How can I get list of open tabs in Firefox via a command-line application? powershell powershell

How can I get list of open tabs in Firefox via a command-line application?

Using the JSON module from PoshCode, this looks right (bear in mind: I tested this on Firefox 4, where the Tab Panorama results in "hidden" tabs, ymmv).

ConvertFrom-Json -File ~\AppData\R*\M*\F*\P*\*\sessionstore.js -Type PSObject -EA 0 |Select -Expand Windows | Select -Expand Tabs | Where { !$_.hidden } | ForEach { @($_.Entries)[-1] } | Select Title, Url

All the * in the first line are just to make it short. Feel free to expand that to the full path if you care about the (milli)seconds spent searching.

not in PowerShell but I recently faced this problem so maybe this onliner can help someone:

cat recovery.js | sed 's#{"url":"#\n\n#g' | cut -d'"' -f1 | grep . | sort -u

I'd recommend using brotab to get the URLs of all open tabs:

pip install brotabbrotab install

Install the web extension as well:

Restart Firefox, and you can use brotab list and parse it as so:

bt list | awk -F'\t' '{    print $2}' > urls-backup.txt

Then open all URLs in urls-backup.txt with normal Firefox:

while read url; do    firefox "$url"done < urls-backup.txt