How can you select unique objects based on two properties of an object in powershell? How can you select unique objects based on two properties of an object in powershell? powershell powershell

How can you select unique objects based on two properties of an object in powershell?

Very similar to Mathias' answer, but will have all of the columns in the output:

$csvDataUnique = $csvData |   Group-Object 'User Name','Computer Name' |   %{ $_.Group | Select 'User Name','Computer Name' -First 1} |   Sort 'User Name','Computer Name' 

You can create a custom property with your Select-Object. So you were pretty close already. Try this:

Select-Object @{Label = "Index"; Expression = {"$($_.'User Name') $($_.'Computer Name')"} } -Unique

It basically combines the two fields into a single string and sorts unique on that. I called the field "Index" but it could be called anything.

I usually resort to using a hash table, and joined property values for the keys for that kind of task:

$CSVDataUnique = @{}$csvData | foreach { $CSVDataUnique["$_.'User Name'\$_.'Computer Name'"]++}