How do I detect if my python code is running in PowerShell or the Command Prompt (cmd) How do I detect if my python code is running in PowerShell or the Command Prompt (cmd) powershell powershell

How do I detect if my python code is running in PowerShell or the Command Prompt (cmd)

@Matt A. is right. Use psutil and os package to get the parent process id and the name.

parent_pid = os.getppid()print(psutil.Process(parent_pid).name())

The following snippet finds md5sum on args.file in bash/powershell, I usually use the first command to check what we are running in, so I can use it later on, using shell=True in subprocess is not very portable.

import os, subprocessrunning_shell = Nonemycheck='/usr/bin/md5sum'   # full path is neededif not os.path.isfile(mycheck):    try:        file_md5sum = subprocess.check_output("powershell.exe Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 {} | Select -expand Hash".format(args.file).split())    except FileNotFoundError as e:        log.fatal("unable to generate md5sum")        sys.exit(-1)    file_md5sum = file_md5sum.lower()    running_shell = 'powershell'else:    file_md5sum = subprocess.check_output([mycheck, args.file])    running_shell = 'bash'

Here is a sample powershell stub that can do the trick:

$SCR=""$proc = $null$procs = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'python3.exe' or name = 'python.exe'" | Select-Object Description,ProcessId,CommandLine,CreationDate$procs | ForEach-Object {     if ( $_.CommandLine.IndexOf($SCR) -ne -1 ) {         if ( $null -eq $proc ) {            $proc = $_        }    }}if ( $null -ne $proc ) {    Write-Host "Process already running: $proc"} else {    Write-Host "$SCR is not running"}