How do I pass a property value containing a semicolon on the MSBuild command line when running it from PowerShell? How do I pass a property value containing a semicolon on the MSBuild command line when running it from PowerShell? powershell powershell

How do I pass a property value containing a semicolon on the MSBuild command line when running it from PowerShell?

Wrap the parameter in single quotes:

... '/p:PackageSources="\\Server\NuGet;E:\NuGet"'

On PowerShell v3 try this:

msbuild .\Foo.sln --% /p:PackageSources="\\Server\NuGet;E:\NuGet"

Also using ascii value might help:

msbuild .\Foo.sln /p:PackageSources="\Server\NuGet%3BE:\NuGet"

VBScript function below can be used to escape property values passed to MSBuild.exe inside double quotes:

    Function Escape(s)      Escape = s      Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")       objRegEx.Global = True       objRegEx.Pattern = "(\\+)?"""      Escape = objRegEx.Replace(Escape,"$1$1\""")       objRegEx.Pattern = "(\\+)$"      Escape = objRegEx.Replace(Escape,"$1$1")     End Function

The following example demonstrates usage of Escape() function

    Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")            objShell.Run "msbuild.exe echo.targets /p:Param1=""" & Escape("ParamValue1") & """,Param2=""" & Escape("ParamValue1") & """", 1, True