How do you add more property values to a custom object How do you add more property values to a custom object powershell powershell

How do you add more property values to a custom object

The -Property parameter of New-Object takes a hashtable as argument. You can have the properties added in a particular order if you make the hashtable ordered. If you need to expand the list of properties at creation time just add more entries to the hashtable:

$ht = [ordered]@{  'Foo' = 23  'Bar' = 'Some value'  'Other Property' = $true  ...}$o = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $ht

If you need to add more properties after the object was created, you can do so via the Add-Member cmdlet:

$o | Add-Member -Name 'New Property' -Type NoteProperty -Value 23$o | Add-Member -Name 'something' -Type NoteProperty -Value $false...

or via calculated properties:

$o = $o | Select-Object *, @{n='New Property';e={23}}, @{n='something';e={$false}}

If you want to use $account to store user + pwd credentials, you should declare it as an array and add items when you want:

$account = @()$account += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{User="Jimbo"; Password="1234"}$account += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{User="Jimbo2"; Password="abcd"}$account += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{User="Jimbo3"; Password="idontusepwds"}

Output of $account:

User   Password    ----   --------    Jimbo  1234        Jimbo2 abcd        Jimbo3 idontusepwds