How does threading in powershell work? How does threading in powershell work? powershell powershell

How does threading in powershell work?

Powershell does not have a built-in command named Start-Thread.

V2.0 does, however, have PowerShell jobs, which can run in the background, and can be considered the equivalent of a thread. You have the following commands at your disposal for working with jobs:

Name                              Category  Synopsis----                              --------  --------Start-Job                         Cmdlet    Starts a Windows PowerShell background job.Get-Job                           Cmdlet    Gets Windows PowerShell background jobs that are running in the current ...Receive-Job                       Cmdlet    Gets the results of the Windows PowerShell background jobs in the curren...Stop-Job                          Cmdlet    Stops a Windows PowerShell background job.Wait-Job                          Cmdlet    Suppresses the command prompt until one or all of the Windows PowerShell...Remove-Job                        Cmdlet    Deletes a Windows PowerShell background job.

Here is an example on how to work with it. To start a job, use start-job and pass a script block which contains the code you want run asynchronously:

$job  = start-job { get-childitem . -recurse }

This command will start a job, that gets all children under the current directory recursively, and you will be returned to the command line immediately.

You can examine the $job variable to see if the job has finished, etc. If you want to wait for a job to finish, use:

wait-job $job

Finally, to receive the results from a job, use:

receive-job $job

You can't use threads directly like this, but you can't be blamed for trying since once the whole BCL is lying in front of you it's not entirely silly to expect most of it to work :)

PowerShell runs scriptblocks in pipelines which in turn require runspaces to execute them. I blogged about how to roll your own MT scripts some time ago for v2 ctp3, but the technique (and API) is still the same. The main tools are the [runspacefactory] and [powershell] types. Take a look here:

The above is the most lightweight way to approach MT scripting. There is background job support in v2 by way of start-job, get-job but I figured you already spotted that and saw that they are fairly heavyweight.

I have a blog article on how you can multithread any given powershell script.

Multithreading with Jobs in PowerShell
