How to add a custom property to a PowerShell array? How to add a custom property to a PowerShell array? powershell powershell

How to add a custom property to a PowerShell array?

The answer to your question as stated would be to just use Add-Member on the array object.

Add-Member -InputObject $sessions -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "State" -Value "Fabulous"

Adding a property to each element after you created the object is similar.

$sessions | ForEach-Object{    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "State" -Value "Fabulous"}

This of course comes with a warning (that I forgot about). From comments

Beware, though, that appending to that array ($sessions += ...) will replace the array, thus removing the additional property.

Ansgar Wiechers

Depending on your use case there are other options to get you want you want. You can save array elements into distinct variables:

# Check the current object state$state = $object.Property .....# Add to the appropriate array.if($state -eq "Active"){    $activeSessions += $object} else {    $inactiveSessions += $object}

Or you could still store your state property and post process with Where-Object as required:

# Process each inactive session$sessions | Where-Object{$_.State -eq "Active"} | ForEach-Object{}

To avoid the destroying / recreating array issue, which can be a performance hog, you could also use an array list instead.

$myArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayListAdd-Member -InputObject $myArray -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "NeverTellMeTheOdds" -Value {    $this | Where-Object{$_ % 2 -ne 0}}$myArray.AddRange(1..10)$myArray.NeverTellMeTheOdds()

Notice that the array had its member added then we added its elements.

As Matt commented, you can use the Add-Member on an enumerable type by supplying it as a positional argument to the -InputObject parameter.

To allow for resizing after adding the new property, use a generic List instead of @():

$list = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()$list.AddRange(@(  [pscustomobject]@{SessionId = 1; Active = $true}  [pscustomobject]@{SessionId = 2; Active = $false}  [pscustomobject]@{SessionId = 3; Active = $true}) -as [psobject[]])Add-Member -InputObject $list -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ActiveSessionCount -Value {  return @($this |? Active -eq $true).Count}

Now you can retrieve the active session count easily:

PS C:\> $list.ActiveSessionCount2