How to authenticate an user in ActiveDirectory with powershell How to authenticate an user in ActiveDirectory with powershell powershell powershell

How to authenticate an user in ActiveDirectory with powershell

There are multiple ways of doing this. Here is a quick and simple function which authenticates a user to AD.

Function Test-ADAuthentication {    param($username,$password)    (new-object directoryservices.directoryentry "",$username,$password) -ne $null}PS C:\> Test-ADAuthentication "dom\myusername" "mypassword"TruePS C:\> 

It might not be the best function for your needs but your question lacks details.

Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2

$UserName = 'user1'$Password = 'P@ssw0rd'$Domain = $env:USERDOMAINAdd-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement$ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain$pc = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext $ct,$Domain$pc.ValidateCredentials($UserName,$Password)