How to check if file has valid JSON syntax in Powershell How to check if file has valid JSON syntax in Powershell powershell powershell

How to check if file has valid JSON syntax in Powershell

UPDATE 2021: PowerShell 6 and newer versions

PowerShell 6 brings a brand new Test-Json cmdlet. Here is the reference.

You can simply pass the raw file content directly to the Test-Json cmdlet.

$text = Get-Content .\filename.txt -Rawif ($text | Test-Json) {    $powershellRepresentation = ConvertFrom-Json $text -ErrorAction Stop;    Write-Host "Provided text has been correctly parsed to JSON";} else {    Write-Host "Provided text is not a valid JSON string";}

PowerShell 5 and earlier versions

There is no Test-Json cmdlet in these versions, so the best way is to put your ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet inside a try ... catch block

try {    $powershellRepresentation = ConvertFrom-Json $text -ErrorAction Stop;    $validJson = $true;} catch {    $validJson = $false;}if ($validJson) {    Write-Host "Provided text has been correctly parsed to JSON";} else {    Write-Host "Provided text is not a valid JSON string";}

If you encounter this question and can use PowerShell 6 or later, there is now a Test-Json cmdlet. It can also not just validate that it's valid JSON, but that it conforms to a particular JSON schema using the -Schema param.


$isValid = Get-Content .\filename.txt -Raw | Test-Json if($isValid){ Write-Host "not JSON"}else{ Write-Host "True"}

ARM Template Warning

A note for users looking to validate an ARM template via -Schema (I can't imagine a more perfect use case). At the time of writing, there are one or more bugs in the underlying library Test-Json uses for validation, NJsonSchema, and it is not possible to validate an ARM template.

GitHub Issues

I don't think that it exists an other solution than catching the exception using ConvertFrom-Json.