How to create windows service to run a powershell script? How to create windows service to run a powershell script? powershell powershell

How to create windows service to run a powershell script?

Due to the length of the articles I don't want to paste them in the answer.

Check out this post which is the most comprehensive source of info I've found regarding powershell services:

which links to an example powershell service:

I didn't end up successfully modifying this as it was going to take me longer to read through it and understand it than it would to use a different method for my use case, but I'd certainly be going back to that if I needed to create a service in powershell in the future.

Also this:

I've been looking all over the place for a decent way to make a PS1 into a service.Easiest way I found is with Winsw:

Works like a charm.

you can create by below step:

  1. First go to the path where PowerShell script located.
  2. Then run below Command:powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\filename.ps1