How to customize publication in ASP.NET? How to customize publication in ASP.NET? powershell powershell

How to customize publication in ASP.NET?

We deploy our web application with Subversion, and are very happy with it.

The build server compiles the application, copies it to a deploy directory and checks in changes to a Subversion repository. Okay, I admit that this is not trivial, but it's worth to invest here... because on the server(s) the deployment is now extremely easy. Advantages are:

  • Only the necessary files are copied to the server, the downtime is minimal (using svn update)
  • It's a piece of cake to verify what version is deployed to the server, and it's easy to have a consistent version across multiple web servers
  • If you screwed up, it's just 2 clicks to revert back to the previous version
  • It's takes care of deleting files when you deploy a new version. Copying a web application over an older version can leave potentially dangerous files
  • Modifications in the web.config are not overwritten by the deployment, they are merged. That's really a big plus

You can set pre and post build events, and can have one the events fire a script to complete your tasks.

You might look to see if the IIS Web Deployment Tool fits your scenario; it allows you to publish your website, configuration settings, database, etc... all together. This will also be integrated into Visual Studio 2010.