How to do a case-sensitive file search with PowerShell? How to do a case-sensitive file search with PowerShell? powershell powershell

How to do a case-sensitive file search with PowerShell?

try piping Get-Childitem to Where-Object like this:

Get-Childitem -Path C:\ | Where-Object {$_.what_you_want_to_filter -match "REGEX"}

here it is with like syntax (thanks FLGMwt)

Get-Childitem -Path C:\ | Where-Object {$_.Name -clike "CAPS*"}

The FileSystem provider's filter is not case sensitive, but you can pipe it to:

Where{-NOT ($_.BaseName -cmatch "[a-z]")}

That will find files that do not contain lower case letters. If you match against upper case it will work for any file that has at least 1 capital letter, and can still include lower case.

You can use regex option for this

| Where{ $_.BaseName -match "(?-i)^[A-Z]+") }


| Where{ $_.BaseName -cmatch "^[A-Z]+"}