How to execute a .bat file from psake? How to execute a .bat file from psake? powershell powershell

How to execute a .bat file from psake?

Try the following:

task CallBatch {  exec {cmd.exe /c "path\to\my\testscript.bat"}}

It is not necessary to wrap the call to cmd.exe in PSake's exec {} function, but if you do it, the build fails if the batch returns anything but 0.

The task below always lets the build fail:

task Return1FromCmd {  exec {cmd.exe /c "@exit 1"}}

To execute a .bat (or .cmd) from PowerShell:


@echo offecho "foo"


. .\foo.bat#or.\foo.bat#or& .\foo.bat

we can then run the script:

D:\dev> .\foo.ps1"foo"

This works for me:

properties {  $mybat = 'C:\path\tool.bat'}task Test -depends ... {   "Bla bla"  Exec { & $mybat }}

No need to directly mention cmd.exe -- using & in the Exec script block seems to be enough.