How to force Azure Storage Account as classic How to force Azure Storage Account as classic powershell powershell

How to force Azure Storage Account as classic

Switch back to asm mode (the v1 api) and create the storage account from there:

switch-azuremode -Name AzureServiceManagement

Because someone else may find this helpful with the later versions of Azure resource manager (my version was 1.0.4)....

In the latest versions of AzureRM for PSVersion 5.0.10514.6, this can be done through a powershell cmdlet.

Assuming you have:

a) Authenticated to Azure RM: Login-AzureRMAccount

b) Already have created the resource group: New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location "South Central US"

You can then do something like this to get a classic storage account:

New-AzureRmResource -ResourceName "" -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/StorageAccounts" -Location "South Central US" -Properties @{ AccountType = "Standard_LRS" } -ApiVersion "2015-06-01"

You can actually use ARM (Azure Resource Manager) to create a "Classic" (i.e. old portal) storage account. To do this, add the below json into your "Resources", adjusting the params as you require. The advantage this has over @Trondh answer is that this will be provisioned as part of your resource group. When you switch back to the ASM your classic storage account will just be added to a random resource group that you cannot move.

       {            "name": "[concat(parameters('BuildStorageName'), 'classic')]",            "type": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts",            "location": "[parameters('BuildStorageLocation')]",            "apiVersion": "2015-06-01",            "dependsOn": [ ],            "properties": {                "accountType": "[parameters('BuildStorageType')]"            }        }