How to found if a TFS workspace is a local or server workspace How to found if a TFS workspace is a local or server workspace powershell powershell

How to found if a TFS workspace is a local or server workspace

After a long search (hours and hours in the very bad msdn documentation about the tf.exe command!), I have found the way to get the information!

First you have to use the tf.exe workfold c:\your\path command to find out in which workspace the folder is. The command output something like that:

================================================================Workspace : NameOfYourWorkspace (John Doe)Collection: $/: C:\your\path

Then you have to extract the 'workspace' (note: we really don't know why here the tf.exe command don't output the workspace in the format accepted everywhere by the tf.exe command i.e. "WorkspaceName;Owner" and consequently should be adapted!) and 'collection' data to use it in the tf.exe workspaces /format:detailed command, like that:

tf.exe" workspaces /format:detailed /collection:"" "NameOfYourWorkspace;John Doe"

The command output something like that:

===============================================Workspace  : NameOfYourWorkspaceOwner      : John DoeComputer   : YOU_COMPUTERComment    :Collection :\DefaultCollectionPermissions: PrivateLocation   : LocalFile Time  : CurrentWorking folders: $/: C:\your\path

The important data that I want here is Location : Local (or Server)

I have written a little powershell script, if it could be of little use for someone to extract the data in the output to use them:

function ExtractData($text, $key){    $pattern = "^$key *: *(.+)$"    $filteredText= $text | Select-String $key    $found = $filteredText -match $pattern    if ($found) {        return $matches[1]    }    exit 1}$currentWorkspaceData = (& "$env:VS120COMNTOOLS..\IDE\tf.exe" workfold .)$workspace = ExtractData $currentWorkspaceData "Workspace"$found = $workspace -match "^(.+) \((.+)\)$"if (!$found) {    exit 1}$workspace = $matches[1] + ";" + $matches[2]$collection = ExtractData $currentWorkspaceData "Collection"$location=(ExtractData (& "$env:VS120COMNTOOLS..\IDE\tf.exe" workspaces /format:detailed /collection:$collection $workspace) "Location")$localServer = $location -eq "Local"if($localServer){    Write-Host "Local!!!"}else{    Write-Host "Server!!!"}

This script give the answer only for the current folder but could be easily adapted...