How to hide warnings from Azure powershell command lets How to hide warnings from Azure powershell command lets powershell powershell

How to hide warnings from Azure powershell command lets

You could try -WarningAction Ignore, but if that doesn't work, you can redirect the warning stream, which is stream 3, to $null (or to wherever you want):

New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storageName 3> $null# Left out other parameters for readability

Note that -Verbose:$false will affect verbose messages, not warnings, which are a different stream.


Also note that this requires Powershell 3+:

The All (*), Warning (3), Verbose (4) and Debug (5) redirection operators were introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0. They do not work in earlier versions of Windows PowerShell.

I have exactly the same problem before and solve this by the follow:

New-AzureStorageAccount ... | Out-Null