How to list folder permissions located on a different server How to list folder permissions located on a different server powershell powershell

How to list folder permissions located on a different server

It turns out with the way permissions/authentications are setup in my environment prevented my code from working.

Here are the steps I took to verify if I could connect to the server:

Test-Path \\server\folder

This returned "False", which is why my code was breaking. The work around I used was this:

#Step 1: remotely connect to serverEnter-PSSession -ComputerName servernamegoeshere#Step 2: get list of permissions on folder and save to csvget-acl E:\foldernamehere | select -expand access |export-csv C:\Users\usernamegoeshere\Documents\listofperms.csv |#Step 3: close remote connectionExit-PSSession

I still had to remote into the server and copy the csv to the location I wanted because again, any copy command to another server/share in PowerShell would not work due to permission/authentication issues.

This article explains authentication/permissions a bit better than I can:

Second way to do this with less code and not having to create a remote session thanks to user Ansgar Wiechers:

Invoke-Command -Computer server -ScriptBlock {get-acl E:\folder | select -expand access } |export-csv \\server\folder\accesslist.csv 

With PowerShell, there are many ways to do one thing...I think this way is best/most simple! Thanks!

The command works on UNC paths as well, but UNC paths are slightly different from local paths. You need an access point to enter the file system of a remote host. For SMB/CIFS access (via UNC paths) that access point is a shared folder, so you need a path \\server\share or \\server\share\path\to\subfolder.

With an admin account you could use the administrative shares (e.g. \\server\C$\Users\Administrator), otherwise you need to create a share first.