How to make a batch file run in vscode terminal How to make a batch file run in vscode terminal powershell powershell

How to make a batch file run in vscode terminal

You are mixing batch files and powershell. Those are two separate things. Batch files suffix can be either .bat or .cmd. The powershell files end usually with .ps1.

Batch files are using the C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe. Powershell is using the C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe. As you can see those are two different interpreters.

If you need to run a .ps1 file that is a powershell script you need to run it in powershell not a .bat file!

To execute your script you need to execute it like this:

& 'C:\env\Scripts\activate.ps1'

If you run it at powershell your if condition will not work anymore. You need to do something like this:

$PipArgs = @('install', 'virtualenv') if(Test-Path -PathType leaf "C:\env"){    & 'pip3' $PipArgs    & 'virtualenv' 'env'}