How to make a Powershell script answer a prompt for user input? How to make a Powershell script answer a prompt for user input? powershell powershell

How to make a Powershell script answer a prompt for user input?

  1. Don't use $input as the name of a variable as that's an automatic variable in PowerShell (see help about_Automatic_Variables).

  2. Determine whether the executable can accept command-line arguments instead of stopping or prompting for input. This is obviously preferred if it is available.

  3. Whether you can tell PowerShell to automatically send input to an arbitrary executable depends upon the design of that executable. If the executable allows you to send standard input to it, you can run something like

    "test" | myexecutable.exe

    In this example, PowerShell will provide the string test and a return as standard input to the executable. If the executable accepts standard input, then this will work.

    If the executable does not use standard input, then you will have to do something different like send keystrokes to the window. I consider sending keystrokes a last resort and a brittle solution that is not automation-friendly.

Following sample I used to run batch file and provide inputs

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")Start-Process -FilePath C:\myexecbatchfile.bat# Wait the application start for 2 sec Start-Sleep -m 2000 # Send keys[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("input1")[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{ENTER}")Start-Sleep -m 3000[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("input2")[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{ENTER}")