How to modify the previous line of console text? How to modify the previous line of console text? powershell powershell

How to modify the previous line of console text?

You can move cursor wherever you want: Console.SetCursorPosition or use Console.CursorTop.

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop -1);Console.WriteLine("Over previous line!!!");

Use a carriage return. This sample prints a single line, overwriting what was there before.

  Console.WriteLine();  for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)  {    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);    Console.Write("\x000DProgress: " + i);  }

This works as long as all your strings are less than 80 columns (or whatever your terminal buffer is set to).

Note: the following answer was originally edited into the question by the OP.

Here's complete solution with demo:

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Threading;namespace PowerConsole {    internal class Containers {        internal struct Container {            public int Id;            public int X;            public int Y;            public string Content;        }        public static List<Container> Items = new List<Container>();        private static int Identity = 0;        public static int Add(string text) {            var c = new Container();            c.Id = Identity++;            c.X = Console.CursorLeft;            c.Y = Console.CursorTop;            c.Content = text;            Console.Write(text);            Items.Add(c);            return c.Id;        }        public static void Remove(int id) {            Items.RemoveAt(id);        }        public static void Replace(int id, string text) {            int x = Console.CursorLeft, y = Console.CursorTop;            Container c = Items[id];            Console.MoveBufferArea(                c.X + c.Content.Length, c.Y,                Console.BufferWidth - c.X - text.Length, 1,                c.X + text.Length, c.Y            );            Console.CursorLeft = c.X;            Console.CursorTop = c.Y;            Console.Write(text);            c.Content = text;            Console.CursorLeft = x;            Console.CursorTop = y;        }        public static void Clear() {            Items.Clear();            Identity = 0;        }    }    internal class Program {        private static List<Thread> Threads = new List<Thread>();        private static void Main(string[] args) {            Console.WriteLine("So we have some threads:\r\n");            int i, id;            Random r = new Random();            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {                Console.Write("Starting thread " + i + "...[");                id = Containers.Add("?");                Console.WriteLine("]");                Thread t = new Thread((object data) => {                    Thread.Sleep(r.Next(5000) + 100);                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;                    Containers.Replace((int)data, "DONE");                    Console.ResetColor();                });                Threads.Add(t);            }            Console.WriteLine("\n\"But will it blend?\"...");            Console.ReadKey(true);            i = 0;            Threads.ForEach(t => t.Start(i++));            Threads.ForEach(t => t.Join());            Console.WriteLine("\r\nVoila.");            Console.ReadKey(true);        }    }}