How to perform IISRESET with Powershell Script How to perform IISRESET with Powershell Script powershell powershell

How to perform IISRESET with Powershell Script

You can do it with the Invoke-Command cmdlet:

invoke-command -scriptblock {iisreset}


You can also simplify the command using the & call operator:

& {iisreset}

Having used & {iisreset} with occasional failure lead me to this:

Start-Process "iisreset.exe" -NoNewWindow -Wait

Now it waits for iisreset.exe to end gracefully.

This works well for me. In this application, I don't care about the return code:

Start-Process -FilePath C:\Windows\System32\iisreset.exe -ArgumentList /RESTART -RedirectStandardOutput .\iisreset.txtGet-Content .\iisreset.txt | Write-Log -Level Info

The Write-Log cmdlet is a custom one I use for logging, but you could substitute something else.