How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell? How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell? powershell powershell

How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell?

As of PowerShell 2, simple:

$recipients = $addresses -split "; "

Note that the right hand side is actually a case-insensitive regular expression, not a simple match. Use csplit to force case-sensitivity. See about_Split for more details.

[string[]]$recipients = $address.Split('; ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

Remove the spaces from the original string and split on semicolon

$address = ";;"$addresses = $address.replace(' ','').split(';')

Or all in one line:

$addresses = ";;".replace(' ','').split(';')

$addresses becomes:
