How to Unzip a file and copy it to specific location with 7zip? How to Unzip a file and copy it to specific location with 7zip? powershell powershell

How to Unzip a file and copy it to specific location with 7zip?

I believe the right answer should be something like that:

Get-ChildItem C:\zipplayground\*.zip | % {& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" "x" $_.fullname "-oC:\unzipplayground"}

Alroc was almost right, but $_.fullname between quotes doesn't work, and he was missing the -o parameter for 7z. I'm using 7z.exe instead of 7zg.exe, works fine this way.

For reference, the command line help can be found here:, x stands for 'eXtract' and -o for 'Output directory'

Function to acquire path of the 7z.exe

function Get-7ZipExecutable{    $7zipExecutable = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"    return $7zipExecutable}

Function to zip folders where the destination is set to

function 7Zip-ZipDirectories{    param    (        [CmdletBinding()]        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo[]]$include,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]        [System.IO.FileInfo]$destination             )    $7zipExecutable = Get-7ZipExecutable     # All folders in the destination path will be zipped in .7z format     foreach ($directory in $include)    {        $arguments = "a","$($destination.FullName)","$($directory.FullName)"    (& $7zipExecutable $arguments)        $7ZipExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE        if ($7ZipExitCode -ne 0)        {            $destination.Delete()            throw "An error occurred while zipping [$directory]. 7Zip Exit Code was [$7ZipExitCode]."        }    }    return $destination}

Function to unzip files

function 7Zip-Unzip{    param    (        [CmdletBinding()]        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]        [System.IO.FileInfo]$archive,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$destinationDirectory    )    $7zipExecutable = Get-7ZipExecutable    $archivePath = $archive.FullName    $destinationDirectoryPath = $destinationDirectory.FullName    (& $7zipExecutable x "$archivePath" -o"$destinationDirectoryPath" -aoa -r)    $7zipExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE    if ($7zipExitCode -ne 0)    {        throw "An error occurred while unzipping [$archivePath] to [$destinationDirectoryPath]. 7Zip Exit Code was [$7zipExitCode]."    }    return $destinationDirectory}

I don't have 7Zip to test,but I think it's failing because you aren't telling 7Zip what to operate on, and you're moving your ZIP file to the destination yourself. Try this:

Get-ChildItem C:\zipplayground\*.zip | % {invoke-expression "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zG.exe x $_.FullName c:\unzipplayground\";}