How to update posh-git How to update posh-git powershell powershell

How to update posh-git

If installed via PsGet, you can just run

Update-Module posh-git

All it does is look if the script is being sourced in your profile:

$profileLine = ". '$installDir\profile.example.ps1'"if(Select-String -Path $PROFILE -Pattern $profileLine -Quiet -SimpleMatch) {    Write-Host "It seems posh-git is already installed..."    return}

Since it seems to have the installDir as the folder from which you run the install script, merely upgrading the folder with the newer version of posh-git should give have updated the files already.

If you are not comfortable with that, just remove the line that sources the profile.example.ps1 in your profile and run the install again :)

I had installed via PsGet, so I renamed the folder


and re-ran

Install-Module posh-git

It downloaded the latest but told me it was already installed, probably because I hadn't removed the lines from Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. That was all I needed, though.