How to validate PowerShell Function Parameters allowing empty strings? How to validate PowerShell Function Parameters allowing empty strings? powershell powershell

How to validate PowerShell Function Parameters allowing empty strings?

The Mandatory attribute blocks null and empty values and prompts you for a value.To allow empty values (including null) add the AllowEmptyString parameter attribute:

function f1{    param(    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]    [AllowEmptyString()]    [string]$Text    )    $text}

Here is the solution that fits the requirements with a caveat.

function f1{    param(    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]    $Text    )    Write-Host 'Working'    $text}f1 ''f1 $null


Workingf1 : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Text' because it is null.


In order to fit the requirements we have to omit the explicit type declaration of [string]. The problem is that PowerShell tends to convert nulls to empty strings everywhere where the [string] type is specified. Thus, if we use the type declaration then null value actually never comes to the function.

P.S. Here is a related issue submitted:It isn't possible to pass null as null into a .NET method that has a parameter of type String

Just for the sake of completeness, if you want your input be validated against string type, you can do it afterward parameters declaration:

function f1{    param(    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]    $Text    )    if (!($text -eq '') -and !($text -as [string])) {write-host "wrong type"; return }    $text}

This function behaves as follows:

  • Throws "Cannot bind argument.." exception when input is $null
  • Passes when input is an empty string
  • Exits with message wrong type when input is not a string