Is the PowerShell ConsoleShell on .NET 4.0 approved for production? Is the PowerShell ConsoleShell on .NET 4.0 approved for production? powershell powershell

Is the PowerShell ConsoleShell on .NET 4.0 approved for production?

As far as it is not officially approved (to my knowledge), then nobody can approve it but you. If your scenario works and passes reasonable tests, approve and use it.

I use PowerShell on .NET 4.0 but with the option 4, and used to use the option 1, too (I do not like the option 2, personally). Thus, I approved it, production or not, I use it a lot and it works. I still use PowerShell on .NET 2.0 for two reasons: 1) PowerShell.exe starts faster (especially x64); 2) to be sure that part of my PowerShell development is compatible with .NET 2.

Another thought. If something does not work properly in PowerShell on .NET 2.0 (there are some issues, indeed, see Connect) then the fact "it is approved for production" itself does not help much. One has to overcome existing issues, .NET 2 or .NET 4 does not matter.

P.S. I should have mentioned that I tried the option 3 as well. I did not find use cases suitable for using it in my scenarios. But I did not find any issues in using ConsoleShell either.

P.P.S Yet another option. Make a copy of PowerShell.exe, rename it into MyConsoleShell.exe, use it together with MyConsoleShell.exe.config configured for .NET 4. As far as you are going to use a separate application anyway, then why not to consider this?

I'm a bit of a powershell N00b, but I threw this together as a way of forcing an arbitrary script to use .NET 4.0 in my script:

# Place this at the top of your script, and it will run as a .NET 4 ps script.# #############################################################################if ($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major -lt 4) { try {    $cfgPath = $Env:TEMP | Join-Path -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid())    mkdir $cfgPath | Out-Null    "<configuration><startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy='true'><supportedRuntime version='v4.0'/></startup></configuration>" | Set-Content -Path $cfgPath\powershell.exe.activation_config -Encoding UTF8    $darkMagic = 'COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath'    $old = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic)    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic, $cfgPath)    & powershell.exe $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $args} finally {    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($darkMagic, $old)    $cfgPath | Remove-Item -Recurse    return}}# ############################################################################### My script starts here:echo "Your arguments are: $args "echo "The CLR Major Version is : $($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major)"

It places a check in the beginning of the script, and if it's not .NET 4.0 it creates a configuration file, sets an environment variable and re-runs the powershell script so that it runs under .NET 4.0.

it does incur a bit of a startup time penalty of about a second or so on my pc, but at least it works :)