Output the date/time in PowerShell Output the date/time in PowerShell powershell powershell

Output the date/time in PowerShell

Once you assign the current datetime to a variable, you are capturing the date and time at the moment you ran Get-Date.

Every time you want a new date and time, you need to run it again. You could avoid using a variable:

Write-Output "Backups complete at $(Get-Date)"

Another way to do this is using a format string and since you are using this for logging purpose I would recommend you to write a function because this will allow you to change the format of all log messages in a single place:

function Log-Message{    [CmdletBinding()]    Param    (        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]        [string]$LogMessage    )    Write-Output ("{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date), $LogMessage)}

Now you can simple log using:

Log-Message "Starting Backups"Log-Message "Backups Completed"


22.07.2016 08:31:15 - Starting Backups22.07.2016 08:31:15 - Backups Completed

Here is simple 1 which allow you format date time in your desire format

$currentTime = Get-Date -format "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"Write-Host $currentTime " Other log string message "


17-Aug-2020 10:06:19  other log string message