Pass function as a parameter Pass function as a parameter powershell powershell

Pass function as a parameter

I'm not sure this is the best, but:

function A{    Param([scriptblock]$FunctionToCall)    Write-Host "I'm calling $($FunctionToCall.Invoke(4))"}function B($x){    Write-Output "Function B with $x"}Function C{    Param($x)    Write-Output "Function C with $x"}PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> A -FunctionToCall $function:BI'm calling Function B with 4PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> A -FunctionToCall $function:CI'm calling Function C with 4PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> A -FunctionToCall { Param($x) "Got $x" }I'm calling Got x

Have you thought about passing a ScriptBlock as a parameter?

$scriptBlock = { Write-Host "This is a script block" }Function f([ScriptBlock]$s) {  Write-Host "Invoking ScriptBlock: "  $s.Invoke()}PS C:\> f $scriptBlockInvoking ScriptBlock:This is a script block

If you really want to pass the name of a function, as a string: use &, the call operator, to invoke it:

function A {  Param($functionToCall)  # Note the need to enclose a command embedded in a string in $(...)  Write-Host "I'm calling: $(& $functionToCall)"}Function C {  "Function C"  # Note: Do NOT use Write-Host to output *data*.}A -functionToCall C

As for the need to use $(...) inside "...": see this answer, which explains PowerShell's string-expansion (string-interpolation) rules.

The above yields I'm calling: Function C

Note how function C uses implicit output (same as using Write-Output explicitly) to return a value.
Write-Host is generally the wrong tool to use, unless the intent is explicitly to write to the display only, bypassing PowerShell's output streams.

You generally need the & operator in the following scenarios:

  • To invoke a command by name or path, via a variable reference and/or if the name is single- or double-quoted.

  • To invoke a script block.

Script blocks are the preferred way of passing pieces of code around in PowerShell; the above could be rewritten as (note that the invocation mechanism doesn't change, just the argument being passed):

function A {  Param($scriptBlockToCall)  Write-Host "I'm calling: $(& $scriptBlockToCall)"}Function C {  "Function C"  # Note: Do NOT use Write-Host to output *data*.}A -scriptBlockToCall { C }

In either scenario, to pass arguments, simply place them after: & <commandNameOrScriptBlock>; note how splatting (@<var>) is used to pass the unbound arguments stored in the automatic $args variable through.

function A {  Param($commandNameOrScriptBlockToCall)  Write-Host "I'm calling: $(& $commandNameOrScriptBlockToCall @Args)"}Function C {  "Function C with args: $Args"}A -commandNameOrScriptBlockToCall C one two # by nameA -commandNameOrScriptBlockToCall { C @Args } one two # by script block

The above yields I'm calling: Function C with args: one two twice.


  • As JohnLBevan points out, the automatic $args variable is only available in simple (non-advanced) scripts and functions.

  • The use of a [CmdletBinding()] attribute above the param(...) block and/or a per-parameter [Parameter()] attribute is what makes a script or function an advanced one, and advanced scripts and functions additionally only accept arguments that bind to explicitly declared parameters.

  • If you need to use an advanced script or function - such as to support what-if functionality with [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] - you have the following choices for passing arguments through:

    • If it's sufficient to pass positional (unnamed) arguments through, declare a parameter such as [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $PassThruArgs, which implicitly collects all positional arguments passed on invocation.

    • Otherwise, you must explicitly declare parameters for all potential (named) pass-through arguments.

      • You can scaffold parameter declarations based on an existing command with the help of the PowerShell SDK, a technique used to create proxy (wrapper) functions, as shown in this answer.
    • Alternatively, your function could declare a single parameter that accepts a hashtable representing the named pass-through arguments, to be used with splatting; that, of course, requires the caller to explicitly construct such a hashtable.