Powershell add-content line breaks Powershell add-content line breaks powershell powershell

Powershell add-content line breaks

I guess you want to have one line with the info, then:

"$server Uptime: $($uptime.days) Days, $($uptime.hours) Hours, $($uptime.minutes) Minutes" | add-content $output_file

If every item should be on separate line, you might add `n

"$server Uptime`n$($uptime.days) Days`n$($uptime.hours) Hours`n$($uptime.minutes) Minutes" | add-content $output_file

Other possibility is to use -f which is sometimes more readable:

"$server Uptime: {0} Days, {1} Hours, {2} Minutes" -f $uptime.days, $uptime.hours, $uptime.minutes | add-content $output_file

Updateecho is alias for Write-Output (Get-Alias -name echo) which in your case produces array of objects. This array is passed to Add-Content; each object is stored on its own line.

The simplest way to sidestep any problem PowerShell might be putting into the line breaks would be to avoid using the providers.

By using [IO.File]::WriteAllText to write the file, you should be able to avoid the linebreaks that come from PowerShell. The only caveat is that [IO.File]::WriteAllText doesn't understand PowerShell paths, so you'll need to pass it an absolute path.

Hope this helps,

how about
