Powershell Compare-Object Format Output Powershell Compare-Object Format Output powershell powershell

Powershell Compare-Object Format Output

Something like this, maybe?

function compareCSV {$file1 = Read-Host "Please enter the path of the first file you would like to compare"$file2 = Read-Host "Please enter the path of the second file you would like to compare"$outFile1 = Read-Host "Please enter the path to where you would like your output file."Try{    $compareOne = Get-Content $file1    $comparetwo = Get-Content $file2} Catch{    Write-Host "The path you entered is either invalid or the file does not exist. "    }Write-Host "Beginning comparison"$Compare = Compare-Object $compareOne $compareTwo$compare | foreach  {       if ($_.sideindicator -eq '<=')        {$_.sideindicator = $file1}      if ($_.sideindicator -eq '=>')        {$_.sideindicator = $file2}     } $Compare |    select @{l='Value';e={$_.InputObject}},@{l='File';e={$_.SideIndicator}} |   Out-File $outFile1  Write-Host "Complete!"}compareCSV

change this:

Compare-Object $compareOne $compareTwo  | Out-File $outFile

with this:

Compare-Object $compareOne $compareTwo  | ft inputobject, @{n="file";e={ if ($_.SideIndicator -eq '=>') { "$file2" }  else { "$file1" } }} | Out-File $outFile