PowerShell exit code is always 0 in TeamCity 8 build step PowerShell exit code is always 0 in TeamCity 8 build step powershell powershell

PowerShell exit code is always 0 in TeamCity 8 build step

I have just discovered this post:

PowerShell runner - script fails but the build succeeds - 'Process exited with code 0'

There is a bug in TeamCity which means that non-zero PowerShell return codes are not picked up.

The solution suggested is to create a build failure condition on detection of certain text output into the build log.

However, my solution involved something different.

In the catch block you only have to use the Write-Error cmdlet:

catch{    Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception}

Then you must ensure that two things are set correctly in TeamCity:

Firstly, the build step Error Output should be set to error, and not warning:

Enter image description here

Secondly, in the build failure conditions screen, make sure an error message is logged by build runner is checked:

Enter image description here

Suppose you are using psake and your goal is to fail your build if your build script fails. The script which imports the psake module and invokes the build script does not fail, so TeamCity takes it as a successful build.

Add this code into your first script to fail your build if the second script fails.

Import-Module .\psake\psake.psm1Invoke-Psake .\build-steps.ps1 @argsif($psake.build_success -eq $false){    Write-Host "There was an error running psake script"    exit 1}Remove-Module psake

Do not remove the module before the if statement.