PowerShell: Format-Table without headers PowerShell: Format-Table without headers powershell powershell

PowerShell: Format-Table without headers

Try the -HideTableHeaders parameter to Format-Table:

gci | ft -HideTableHeaders

(I'm using PowerShell v2. I don't know if this was in v1.)

Try -ExpandProperty. For example, I use this for sending the clean variable to Out-Gridview -PassThru , otherwise the variable has the header info stored. Note that these aren't great if you want to return more than one property.

An example:

Get-ADUser -filter * | select name -expandproperty name

Alternatively, you could do this:

(Get-ADUser -filter * ).name

The -HideTableHeaders parameter unfortunately still causes the empty lines to be printed (and table headers appearently are still considered for column width). The only way I know that could reliably work here would be to format the output yourself:

| % { '{0,10} {1,20} {2,20}' -f $_.Operation,$_.AttributeName,$_.AttributeValue }